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We offer online training sessions to help you get started with the Interceptum platform. The typical training session is delivered via WebEx and covers the following subjects:

  • Creating surveys and questions: The basic survey settings and question types are explained.
  • Inviting and managing participants: The invitation wizard is explained and the participants grid.
  • Analysing results: The basic report types are explained.

Training sessons are offered in English and French.

Custom training sessions can also tailored to your specific needs, for example, a training session only to cover advanced survey options or to cover the creation and management of intercept surveys.

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Training Videos

Below are a series of short training videos that show how to accomplish certain tasks within Interceptum.

The following videos demonstrate features available in the Team Version of the Intercetpum online survey platform.

The following videos demonstrate features available in the Advanced Version of the Intercetpum online survey platform.

The following videos demonstrate features available in the Team Version of the Intercetpum online survey platform.

  • Adding Team Members to be evaluated

    Two team members are added so that they can be evaluated via Team Member questions in surveys.

  • Generating Team Member Cards for a Survey

    Team Members cards to complete a survey and to preselect a team member are generated. These cards can be printed and given to clients so that they can complète the survey and évaluate the team member without having to select him or her in the questionnaire

  • Generating Team Member Reports for a Survey

    A Team Member analysis report is generated for a client satisfaction survey to view the performance of a Team Member for the current week.

The following videos demonstrate features available in the Enterprise Version of the Intercetpum online survey platform.

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